Importance of Botany in Landscapers Formation
Você já parou para pensar no quão interdisciplinar é a profissão do paisagista? Já se deu conta de que, para exercer a profissão, devemos ter noções de arquitetura, arte, botânica para paisagistas, agronomia, design, ecologia, urbanismo, etc?
There are so many themes / qualities needed that a beginner may even feel intimidated. And no less. The absence of regulations and specific degrees hinder the training of landscapers, who must seek to increase their knowledge autonomously, through free, technical or postgraduate courses.
It turns out that this search for knowledge is often not linear, so that some disciplines are neglected along the way, as is the case with Botany. There is even a term to refer to this, which we call “botanical blindness”.
Botany is the science that studies plants in their multiplicity of aspects, from growth, genetics, reproduction, physiology and development to the evolution of life, populations and ecosystems. In the field of landscaping, it is a science of fundamental importance in several aspects, of which I can list quickly: 1) in the choice of species, 2) in the positioning of species in the project (sun / shade, wet / dry soil, presence / absence of winds) ), 3) preparing compositions between species, 4) maintaining the beds (when / how to prune or fertilize), 5) identifying and controlling pests and diseases, etc.
In general, we can say that the study of botany is a key piece for the landscape designer to design gardens that are not only aesthetically beautiful, but functional and ecological, that promote the conservation of our ecosystems and reduce the environmental impact of human actions, especially in large cities. It is a fundamental discipline in the creation of green spaces that provide environmental services for our native flora and fauna.
Bianca Brasil – Master in Botany and Landscaper in EKOA Paisagismo
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